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5 Myths About Sales and Marketing Alignment Debunked

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2022 6:48 am
by abdulahad
When it comes to sales and marketing, there are plenty of misconceptions due to lack of understanding and collaboration. sales misconceptions marketing misconceptions (Shout-out to Mani Sandhu, our resident MOPS expert, for these awesome memes!) As a field marketing professional, I have the pleasure of working with sales team members on a daily basis. And yes, I do mean that it’s a pleasure! It’s one of my favorite parts of the job. Let’s get a myth out of the way right off the bat: we don’t hate each other! I promise. To strengthen marketing and sales relationships so both teams can more effectively and efficiently work together to drive revenue, we consistently need to squash any negative myths in the universe that exist. Here are five sales and marketing alignment myths that you should stop believing right now: Myth #1: Sales and Marketing Work Independently Sure, they CAN, but they SHOULDN’T. When sales and marketing aren’t aligned, you’ll run into inconsistent messaging, battles over lead quality, and an “us vs. them” mentality.

Sales teammates are out in the field speaking with prospects and customers more often, so it’s important for them to share their learnings with the marketing team: what content is resonating? What message isn’t getting a response? What are prospects’ top concerns? Gathering pertinent data will help everyone engage with prospects better and Phone Number List improve the customer experience. Breed cohesive outreach by coordinating efforts, and ensure that you have a mechanism for closed-loop feedback. Myth #2: Face-to-Face Encounters Are Dead; All Selling Happens Online Yes, the digital experience will get you far since prospects engage with your marketing content on the company website, through a Facebook ad, or in their inbox. But, relationships are still the most important part of the selling process. Whether you’re selling B2C or B2B, you’re still selling to a person. So both teams need to be working together to engage prospects and customers both online and offline. While sales reps might be the ones outbound prospecting, marketing can help create opportunities to drive in-person experiences. Think: field events, customer on-sites, calling campaigns, etc. Myth #3: Sales and Marketing Have Different Goals While marketing and sales may focus on different objectives, we all have one goal: drive revenue. We have a motto here at Marketo, “ONE TEAM.” Our marketing team even has goals tied to ROI like opportunities created, pipeline generated, and revenue won.


But with an engagement platform, we can prove our marketing program ROI to track exactly how we’re helping sales influence and close deals. Myth #4: It’s Hard to Coordinate Due to Lack of Transparency Information may live in multiple locations that both teams don’t have access to, or teams may not have processes in place for sharing information regularly. However, tools abound to help sales and marketing collaborate. With sales enablement tools, marketing can disseminate new product messaging or updated go-to-market playbooks en masse. You can even give sales a direct view into how their prospects are engaging with your company with lead and account scoring, plus visibility into email sends, web activity, event attendance, and more. And regularly scheduled communication will help bridge any gaps that technology leaves in collaboration. Myth #5: Sales and marketing are like cats and dogs; they’ll just never get along. First of all, YouTube has proven that cats and dogs CAN get along. Which means that sales and marketing should be able to as well! The key: getting on the same page. The first step to this is to dismiss all of the myths that these teams are meant to disagree rather than agree.